10:15 am - 1:15 pm
Term 2
Boccia - KS2-4Boccia - KS2-4
St Augustine’s Catholic College, Trowbridge Wiltshire
Boccia Festival and Competition for KS2-4 pupils. SEND event Pupils will [...]
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Term 2
Badminton TournamentBadminton Tournament
Melksham Community Campus, Melksham Wiltshire
Badminton Tournament for KS3+4 pupils 0900 start 1600 finish Schools [...]
9:45 am - 12:00 pm
Term 3
West Wilts PLT Conference - Part 2West Wilts PLT Conference - Part 2
Trowbridge Civic Centre, Trowbridge Wiltshire
West Wilts PLT Conference Thank you Apple A Day for [...]
9:45 am - 12:00 pm
Term 3
Young Ambassadors Conference - Part 2Young Ambassadors Conference - Part 2
Trowbridge Civic Centre, Trowbridge Wiltshire
Young Ambassadors Conference Thank you Apple A Day for sponsoring [...]
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Term 3
New Age Kurling - KS2-4New Age Kurling - KS2-4
The John of Gaunt School, Trowbridge Wiltshire
New Age Kurling Festival and Competition for KS2-4 pupils. SEND [...]
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Term 3
Table Tennis KS3 + KS4Table Tennis KS3 + KS4
Warminster Cricket Club, Warminster Wiltshire
Table Tennis Competition for KS3/4 pupils New for 2024 - [...]
6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Term 3
West Wilts Dance Festival - TueWest Wilts Dance Festival - Tue
The Forum, Bath
Age Groups: Reception to Y13 Event format: Schools compose a [...]
6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Term 3
West Wilts Dance Festival - WedWest Wilts Dance Festival - Wed
The Forum, Bath
Age Groups: Reception to Y13 Event format: Schools compose a [...]
6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Term 3
West Wilts Dance Festival - ThuWest Wilts Dance Festival - Thu
The Forum, Bath
Age Groups: Reception to Y13 Event format: Schools compose a [...]
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Term 4
Girls Football Festival - Y6-7Girls Football Festival - Y6-7
Kingdown School – Astro, Warminster Wiltshire
Girls Football Festival for Y6-7 pupils. #LetGirlsPlay This is a [...]
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